Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Mario-Kart-Wii”
September Video Games
Poker Night 2 (3 hrs): Before going on my recent business trip I wanted to take a small break from school work so I played PN2 the night before my trip. I reached the point where I’ve heard all the in-game dialogue so many times that I don’t even listen any more. I can generally last a while, but I wasn’t able to win any tournaments. I usually got knocked out by the last man standing.
April - August 2014 Video Games Report
Civilization V (7 hrs): Met Dan in Mesa Bros; Waiting in Lefties Game
Civilization V (11 hrs): More of the multiplayer games.
Civ V (3 hrs): More multiplayer games.
Super Meat Boy (30 min): I played a few levels until it began to get too hard for me. It is a very well-designed game, but I was never that good at platformers. Really, I just stuck to Mario and Sonic growing up. The others were often too hard for me; at times even Mario and Sonic were too much. I don’t think I ever beat a Sonic game although with one of them (3 or S&K) I used to always get to the final Robotnick.
2011 in Video Games (and my 2011 Game of the Year)
[caption id=“attachment_5240” align=“alignleft” width=“150” caption=“Team Fortress 2”] [/caption]
Civilization V (75 hrs) - What can I say about this game that I haven’t said already? This is the series that made “One More More Turn…” famous and it still works today. If I were to start a game tonight, I would not go to bed at a reasonable time.
Dec 2011 Video Games
[caption id=“attachment_5199” align=“alignleft” width=“150” caption=“Team Fortress 2”] [/caption]
With school over I had plenty of time to get back into video games last month. I had a blast!
Team Fortress 2 (6 hrs) - Got back into this game because my brother-in-law wanted to play it. I’d forgotten how awesomely fun it is to play this game!
Plants vs Zombies (5 hrs) - I wanted a quick game of fun so I went after some achievements in PvZ. I also found this game to be a blast.
Mario Kart Wii
I’m writing this Sunday, but I am trying to limit my blog posts to one a day so that there can be something for my readers each and every day.
I couldn’t wait for Mario Kart Wii to come out. The Mario Kart series has been my favorite on the Nintendo and Mario Kart Double Dash is the reason why my wife bought a Gamecube. We’ve had countless hours of fun playing and when the release got post postponed until today we were pretty bummed. So today we were at Best Buy right when it opened to make sure we’d be able to get a copy. There were enough, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they sold out by the end of the day.