Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Extra-Life-Donation-Tracker”
Programming Update: March 2023
In March I continued to work on my programming projects as well as a little more Advent of Code.
Things started off with me finishing up my dreamhostapi and Dreamhost_DNS_Go projects in Golang. I got the API working under all the conditions that I need and I worked on both the output of the program and the logging. It now functions quite well for me to keep my dynamic DNS URLs up to date. My next step is something I’m going to do in a few of my cron scripts - have a separate JSON log that could be interpreted so that I could either have a daily email to let me know that the scripts all ran correctly or so that I can load them into Prometheus/Grafana to see on a dashboard how all my scripts are doing.
2022 In Programming
I started off the year mostly working on Python projects. For January and February I finally started making some great progress with understanding modern web frameworks and use of CSS frameworks rather than rolling my own. This not only helped with the Prophecy Practicum project, but would form the backbone to a lot of coding this year. I also wrote a utility to tally up my videos for my end of year video game roundup, saving me literal hours of time. As you can read from following the link above, I also worked on my long-running Extra Life Donation Tracker code.
Programming Update: Nov 2022
November was not a huge programming month for me. On the weekends I was a little more focused with family stuff and videogames. But I did manage work on a couple projects.
Ever since 2010, I’ve been been using Python to automatically post my top 3 artists to Twitter. In 2020, it even became my first package on Pypi. With activity picking up on Mastodon, I ported the code over to that site. I also used the opportunity to clean up the code bit to my more modern coding standards. I haven’t created a package yet, but may soon enough.
I also did some work on my Extra Life Donation Tracker. I’d pulled out the API so that others could build on it, but, as a result, I was creating a Team object from the API rather than the inheritance version. I did a workaround to make it work, but I’m going to have to work at the code a bit more to make it less clunky.
Programming Update: January/February 2022
I started off the year not expecting to do much programming. Compared to some months in 2021, I barely programmed, but I did end up programming much more than I expected. Let’s take a look at what I worked on in the first sixth of the year.
Python Programs
End of Year Video Games Helper
Coming off of last year in which I finally used Python to pull my data and create graphs, I decided to do the same for my End of Year Video Games blog post. I haven’t posted the code to Github, but here it is:
Programming Update: September / October 2021
Across both September and October I got a decent amount of programming done. I just about finished the Learn You Haskell for Great Good book (got up to just before Monads) and started Head First Go. Once I had enough Go language to get started on AoC, I knew I’d be ready for the 2016 problem set. Let’s get into the nitty gritty!
Python (not Advent of Code)
Impractical Python
I finished chapter 11 which contained my old friend the Monty Hall Paradox. I’ve had a version up on my site for a very long time based on a PHP tutorial in Linux Format Magazine. This time I was able to code it in Python as well as creating a GUI version. Chapter 11 also touched upon The Birthday Paradox.