Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Containers”
SELinux and Podman
Last time I messed around with Podman, I finally got things working and had what I think was a pretty good understanding of how to go forward. But in order to get things working, I’d had to turn off SELinux. Now it was time to see what I had to do to make Podman work with SELinux. I’ve got some ideas based on some Googling and might also need to try a program called udica to create the right contexts.
Every once in a while the puerile makes me laugh
Like these random container names that podman generated:
# podman ps
b83a26bb2c5d mysqld 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes ago>80/tcp hungry_wilson
f35ec64d3b3c apache2-foregroun… 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes ago>80/tcp nice_johnson
Makes me think perhaps there should be a list of adjectives and names that shouldn’t go together?
Another piece falls into place for Docker
Yesterday I was at a conference dedicated to DevOps and so Red Hat and Google were there to talk about containers, especially Docker and Kubernetes. While summarizing it to some of my employees today, I was asked about what I see as the benefits of Docker containers relative to Virtual Machines. I mentioned that one of the great things is that Docker containers are immutable. All of your data’s actually written to a folder that’s essentially mounted in the container.