Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Afghanistan”
Top 200 Photos: #163
To a hacker conference in NYC for today’s Top 200 Photos.
Adrian Lamo is an ex-cracker (criminal hacker). He gained notoriety in 2010 for outing soldier Manning as the guy who’d leaked a bunch of info to Wikipedia. The funny thing is that, even though Manning mentioned leaking the State Department cables, it was just noted as a footnote at the time. Everyone was focused on the Afghanistan and Iraq leaks. Little did they know what a huge leak the cables would be towards the end of 2010. Apparently he saw Lamo as a fellow hacker and confessed the entire thing to him.
Photojournalism: When to Withhold Photos
Recently this photo was published by the Associated Press and has been getting a lot of attention on the interwebs. It shows Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard, an American solder in Afghanistan, after being hit by a mortar attack and only hours before death. A lot of the debate participants seem to feel one way or another depending on how they feel about our war. But I think the debate deserves to be much more complicated and nuanced because there are actually a lot of issues at play here.