Top 200 Photos: Photo #200
By EricMesa
- 2 minutes read - 419 wordsOne thing I really love about the Photojojo photo time capsule service is that I get to rediscover my photos from a year ago. Although this year is off to a slow start, I usually take so many photos throughout the year that it’s really hard to remember all the photos I’ve taken. Sometimes getting the time capsule reminds me of a place I really enjoyed visiting or a good time with friends of family.
I wanted to combine this with an opportunity to write a small blog post about some of my images. I might talk about why I shot a particular photo, the event, or how it makes me feel. When wondering how to select my photos, I decided to just go up from the bottom of my 200 most viewed photos on flickr. This is not a perfect method because I didn’t do a snapshot of my top 200 hundred at this time. So photos will move around as they get views over the next 200 days. (Assuming I don’t miss a day) That’s OK, no one said this had to be scientific. Also, it becomes less of an issue as I go up the rankings. Generally speaking, the ones at the bottom are separated by as few as a couple of views while the ones at the top tend to be hundreds of views apart.
This photo was taken at the Coney Island 2010 Mermaid Parade. After seeing some photos from prior Mermaid Parade, I knew I had to try and make it to this one to see the crazy costumes people came up with. The parade is like a traditional float-based parade in that the participants are competing for the best costumes & floats/vehicles if applicable. There is no set theme for the parade, but usually there are a large number of groups that end up dressing to a certain theme. In 2010, it was the BP oil spill and I’m sure some of those images will be featured in my top 200 photos. Most people dress up in a variation on the theme of mermaids, pirates, or other sea creatures. But this is not necessarily required.
The photo above is a Hello Kitty Themed Princess Leia. She was part of a group of Hello Kitty Star Wars characters. The Hello Kitty Darth Vader has to be seen to be believed. Unfortunately, he did not score enough views to make it into my top 200, but you can see it here.