Tag: physics

  • Top 200 Photos: #90

    Another physics experiment for today’s Top 200 Photo photo #90 is: Another attempt at the physics stroboscopic shots. This time the pen fell too quickly so a lot of the images are in the bounce at the bottom.

  • Physics and the End of the World

    This one goes out to all the physics geeks out there.  (Applied Engineering Physics counts too, Jing Qing)

  • The Physics of Electric Cars

    Some pessimists decry that even electric cars have pollution created at the power plant thus what’s the point – let’s just have our current gas guzzlers. What they forget are their thermodynamics lessons in college. It’s no secret that we have yet to find an efficient way to convert fuel into useful energy. Of that…

  • Experimenting with Physics

    Man it feels good to be an engineer!