Flock keeps getting more and more useful!

At this rate, I’ll never be able to kick the Flock habit.  Ever since, as I blogged before, they fixed their problem with stuttering YouTube videos, I’ve been able to use Flock for my main Windows browser day-in and day-out.  Now they’ve added even more features!  First of all, I think it’s neat that they’ve published an online video (via YouTube) that appears on the “you’ve updated” page.  This is much more exciting than simply reading a list of what’s new and even shows you how to activate it.

Chief among their new features – Digg and Pownce support.  Now, I have no idea what Pownce is, but having Digg support built in is great.  I’d definitely participate more in digg if I were always logged on and had the easy “dig this page” button.  I can’t wait to see if Flock improves even more with the next version of Gecko and the other Mozilla libraries it runs atop.