My Latest Top 20 on Flickr

Things are always changing and some surprising shots can make it to the top sometimes.  Here are my top 20 shots on flickr by views:

Inuyasha Cosplay

Ghetto Shoes

Reflections of Love #42

Reflections of Love #1024

The Impression Left On Me by the Offspring of Euler

Rotation about the Elbow Axis

Cayuga Lake

How the Ad Industry Sees Us

Buried Cars

Was Galileo Right?

Slope Day 9

The Souce Emitting Countless Discrete Drops of Water and Creating Quite A Perturbation

The End of the World


The Masks We Wear

Andrew White Reading Room - 3

Physics and Photography cross paths yet again

Orb over a lily pad

What's This?  My birthday cake?

merigold closeup 1

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